#!/bin/bash set -e # Requires: Ruby, node, python tput setaf 2; echo "Installing markdown lint"; tput setaf 0 gem install mdl tput setaf 2; echo "Generating new readme and mkdocs"; tput setaf 0 node ./.github/readme-generate.js tput setaf 2; echo "Running markdown lint to check issues."; tput setaf 0 mdl . -r ~MD036,~MD024,~MD004,~MD029 tput setaf 2; echo "Installing python requirements..."; tput setaf 0 pip install -r requirements.txt tput setaf 2; echo "Builidng mkdocs and checking links..."; tput setaf 0 mkdocs build --strict tput setaf 2; echo "Installing textlint"; tput setaf 0 npm install tput setaf 2; echo "Running textlint..."; tput setaf 0 ./node_modules/.bin/textlint . --fix